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Customizable Construction Stair Towers

Keep your construction site or workplace safe with stair towers for easy access for project completion available with North Carolina Scaffolding. Whether you need to access high elevations or navigate complex sites, our stair towers provide reliable solutions for all your project needs. Our North Carolina Scaffolding branch of of experts stands as a beacon of excellence since 2001 for industrial, rehabilitation, and construction scaffolding, shoring, suspended scaffolding, stair towers, shoring, swing stages for vertical access projects. With various configurations available, we tailor our solutions to meet your project’s unique demands. Get in touch for stair tower sales and rental in North Carolina for your next project.

Scaffolding around a church tower

Stair Tower Rentals and Sales in North Carolina

North Carolina Scaffolding a branch location is your access solution for construction projects through out North Carolina. Whether you’re building new structures or renovating existing ones, our sturdy and versatile stair towers provide safe and efficient access for workers and materials at any height. We offer a wide range of configurations to suit your specific needs, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and enhancing productivity on-site. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we are your trusted partner in North Carolina for reliable stair tower solutions. Contact us today for a quote. We pride ourselves on delivering excellence across the state, providing turn-key access solutions, high-quality equipment and training in densely populated areas and secluded locations. Discover our wide range of services

  • Raleigh
  • Durham
  • Fayetteville
  • Greensboro
  • Goldsboro
  • Rocky Mount
  • Garner
  • Wake Forest
  • Chapel Hill
  • Henderson
  • Burlington
  • Wilson
  • Apex
  • Asheboro
  • Kinston
  • Tarboro
  • Clayton
  • Williamston
Scaffolding around a church tower

Optimize Your Project With Tailored Solutions

Every project is unique, so our stair towers are customizable to meet any standard, specific, or unique need your project requires. Whether you need special platforms, additional safety features, or tailored configurations, our team is ready to create the solutions you need to keep your project running smoothly. Several add-on options can enhance the functionality and safety of our stair towers. Choose a wooden tower for added protection, trash chutes and material hoists to streamline waste management, and custom landing platforms for easy access to various levels. Explore our stair tower options, including:

  • System Scaffold Stair Towers
  • Confined Space & Hazmat Training
  • Frame Scaffold Stair Towers
  • 20″ – 36″ Tread Widths
  • Wooden Tower Enclosures
  • Trash Chute & Material Hoist Attachments
  • Custom Landing Platforms

Elevate Your Construction With Stair Towers

Don’t compromise on safety and efficiency. Explore our stair tower options and find the best solution for your project, no matter where you are in North Carolina. By focusing on our stair towers’ essential features and benefits, we aim to provide contractors, commercial businesses, and industrial groups with the tools they need to complete their projects successfully. Our experts can set up and tear down any site so you can focus on the project at hand. Contact us today to secure your stair towers and ensure safety and efficiency for your team.

Superior Scaffolding Solutions for All of North Carolina